Unity in diversity
kotahitanga i roto i te kanorau

April News

April News

Thank you...

to over 5000 people who were able to enjoy Race Unity Day on 28 March and those who couldn't make it but wished us well. What a glorious day it was.

People commented on how incredible and wonderful our region's rich diverse cultures lit the park up through food, music, dance, song, arts/products including the many information booths. At least 35 cultures were represented. Thank you to all of you, the 45 food, 8 arts/crafts/product, 30 info vendors and all the performers who made Race Unity Day the best yet!

A huge thanks also must go to the great team of Volunteers, Matt Lawrey - our great MC, Whakatu Rotary Club, Colombian community, Waimea College, friends and members of Multicultural Nelson Tasman and our main sponsors: NCC and DIA Ethnic Community Development Funds. Please note that due to the postponement, NCC Mayoral Relief Fund has generously supported some vendors that experienced financial hardships.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Our Muslim brother and sisters asked that we share their gratitude.  Please read below:

"We, the executive committee of the NWMA, would like to express our gratitude to the multicultural Association for letting us hold a stall on Race Unity Day and our huge pleasure to be able to announce that the NWMA, which operates from our Islamic Centre at 226 Trafalgar Street, managed to raise $3,935, which has been sent to the Christchurch Appeal Fund.  A few members of Hardy Street group joined us on that day to help with the fund-raising.  We have sent the money on behalf of the Nelson Muslim Community and the generous people of Nelson.
Thank you so much, Nelson, for helping us to make a small contribution towards alleviating the suffering and hardships of the victims’ families. We will be happy to meet and greet Nelsonians at our Islamic Centre on Friday afternoons after 1:30pm, when you can listen to our sermon, observe our prayers and chat to us afterwards."

Nelson-Whakatu Muslim Association Executive Committee
Nelson Islamic Centre
226 Trafalgar Street (2nd floor), Nelson
Website: www.nelson-muslims.co.nz
Email: info@nelson-muslims.co.nz

For those who could not attend Race Unity Day and wish to donate funds, you can transfer funds directly into NWMA account number: 38-9016-0046418-01 Please write CHCH as reference. 100% of funds will be sent to the Christchurch Appeal Fund.

Also have a look at 2019 Race Unity Day Gallery

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